Conference Session Descriptions


Pre-Conference Training Sessions
I2SL offers a number of Pre-Conference Training Sessions, which are open to all members of the laboratory and high-tech facility community. These sessions are taught by seasoned professionals and cover topics such as sustainable architecture, operations and maintenance, commissioning, and techniques for laboratory users. Training sessions range from full-day to half-day, and participants are eligible to receive continuing education credits. Although these training sessions are held in conjunction with the Labs21 Annual Conference, there is a separate fee to attend each workshop.

Opening Plenary Session
The Opening Plenary Session formally kicks off the Labs21 Annual Conference and is open to all conference attendees. The Master of Ceremonies (usually an I2SL board member) and a local representative (e.g., mayor) welcome the audience, followed by brief presentations by the two federal cosponsors, EPA and DOE. The highlight of the Opening Plenary Session is the keynote address, which generally focuses on sustainability. At the Labs21 2012 Annual Conference, this keynote will feature the winners of the International Laboratory Student Design Competition. This session is usually two hours long.

Technical Sessions
Technical Session presentations are given by industry professionals who share case studies, lessons learned, overviews of cutting-edge technologies and design strategies, and industry best practices that are aimed at reducing energy and water consumption and improving the environmental sustainability of laboratories and other high-tech facilities. Four tracks of technical sessions run concurrently, along with two tracks of specialized sessions or symposia. Each 90-minute session is comprised of three presentations, each lasting 30 minutes (20 minutes for the presentation and 10 minutes for audience questions).

Sustainable Equipment Sessions

Sustainable Equipment Sessions allow laboratory and related high-tech facility product or service providers to share technical information on how their products and/or services can help reduce energy and water consumption, improve environmental performance, and enhance overall building management, while also meeting the requirements of the owners/users. These sessions are not for marketing one's product or service, but rather for providing a technical, non-commercial presentation of a product or service's operation, management, and environmental benefits. Those seeking to give marketing presentations are encouraged to exhibit in the Technology and Services Fair and present during the Technology Demonstrations.

Technology Demonstrations
Technology and Services Fair exhibitors are given the opportunity to market their products and services through Technology Demonstrations. These presentations, which take place in a special area of the exhibit hall (116 KB, 1 pp), allow attendees to learn about and observe how various products and services operate. The demonstrations give vendors the opportunity to showcase and market their technologies and services to an audience and then direct that audience to their booths for more information following the presentation.

Exhibitors should contact I2SL for information on submitting a Technology Demonstration for consideration.

Symposia provide attendees with a more in-depth look at topics pertinent to the Labs21 Community. Each year, I2SL develops a list of potential symposia topics (based on attendee feedback, current industry trends, or interest from key industry members), then works with a lead organizer to develop an agenda, identify speakers, and coordinate each session. I2SL also welcomes topic submissions from the Labs21 Community.

Two tracks of symposia run concurrently with the Technical Sessions and can range from 90 minutes to full-day, depending on the topic and the number of presenters. The agenda (including the topic, the number of presenters, and the length of each presentation) is determined by I2SL and the lead organizer(s). Symposia can also include panel discussions and/or open forums with the audience.

The Labs21 Poster Session is a unique forum that showcases some of the world's most innovative designs, engineering systems, and laboratory equipment and how they embrace a whole-building approach to sustainable design consistent with I2SL's mission. The session is designed for both individuals and organizations to showcase their laboratory projects, sustainable equipment, and design strategies.

Technology and Services Fair
Manufacturers and service providers exhibit the products that make them unique to the needs of high-performance facilities. Learn more about the Technology and Services Fair, including who's already signed up and how you can reserve your booth.

Working Group Meetings
A number of different Working Group Meetings are coordinated by I2SL and scheduled throughout the Labs21 Annual Conference. These informal side meetings provide an opportunity for I2SL and select members of the Labs21 Community to identify or initiate specific activities associated with promoting the goals of Labs21. Working Group Meetings are generally one hour long and take place during breakfast or lunch.

Morning Roundtable Sessions
Morning Roundtables are hour-long sessions that provide attendees with an intimate and informal forum for discussing new trends, issues, and other emerging topics of interest to the Labs21 Community. Each year, I2SL develops a list of potential topics (based on attendee feedback, current industry trends, or interest from a key industry member), then works with a lead organizer to coordinate each roundtable. During the session, the leader briefly introduces the topic and then facilitates an open discussion with the gathered audience. Leaders and participants are encouraged to continue the dialogue after the session and conference have ended.

Note: Because Morning Roundtables are intended to facilitate a discussion, PowerPoint presentations are not permitted; microphones are the only audio-visual equipment provided. However, presenters may distribute handouts if necessary.

Tool-Torial Sessions
Tool-Torial Sessions are late-morning sessions similar to the Morning Roundtables in that they encourage informal discussions among attendees. However, as the name implies, the Tool-Torials cover useful tools and resources that the audience can use to improve their facility's level of energy efficiency. During the session, the session leader briefly introduces the tool (including a demonstration, if applicable) and then facilitates an open discussion with the audience. Continued dialogue on the topic is encouraged after the session and conference have ended.

Roll Up Your Sleeves Roundtables
Roll Up Your Sleeves Roundtables are informal working sessions which allow those engaged in new or retrofit projects to gain insight, experience, and ideas from other Labs21 attendees. Members of the Labs21 Technical Team, as well as laboratory and high-performance building experts attending the conference, can provide their perspectives, which may help you address your major architectural and/or engineering sustainability challenges.

I2SL encourages organizations with new projects to participate in this session and take advantage of the opportunity to receive technical assistance from the industry experts that attend the conference.

Note: The Roll Up Your Sleeves Roundtable room does not contain audiovisual equipment other than microphones. PowerPoint presentations will not be permitted. Presenters are encouraged to bring schematics and other materials that will contribute to the discussion.

Offsite Tours and Receptions
Offsite tours and receptions offer attendees access to some of the area's most unique and sustainable high-tech facilities, giving them an insiders look into the operations, mechanics, and management of these laboratories. Offsite tours and receptions also give attendees a chance to network with fellow conference goers.

Technology and Services Fair Evening Reception
The Labs21 Conference sets aside one evening during the busy week of sessions and events to host a Technology and Services Fair evening reception, where vendors and Labs21 Conference audience can mingle and talk casually about the products and services vendors have to offer. Light hors d'oeuvres and beverages are provided.

Labs21 Luncheon
I2SL hosts an hour-and-a-half-long luncheon on the final day of the Labs21 Conference as a way to wrap up the event and, more importantly, recognize the accomplishments of the annual Go Beyond Award winners. Go Beyond Awards honor individuals, organizations, projects, and manufacturers that "go beyond" the status quo to minimize the environmental impacts of laboratories and other high-tech facilities.

Attendees are served lunch, which is followed by the presentation of the awards and brief remarks from an I2SL Board of Directors member.